Our first step is winning the Democratic Primary on May 7th.
Voter Registration If you’re not registered to vote, you can register online. To find out if you’re registered to vote, go to http://www.indianavoters.com/ or call 1-866-IN-1-VOTE. The voter registration deadline for the municipal primary election is Monday, April 8.
Early voting Early Voting for the 2019 primary election begins Tuesday, April 9. To vote, go to Election Central at 401 W. 7th St.
Absentee voting http://monroecountyvoters.us/voterinformationportal/absenteevoting.html
General election information Where's my polling place? https://indianavoters.in.gov General election information https://www.co.monroe.in.us/department/division.php?structureid=89